Three Easy Things I Am Doing for a Better New Year

We love new years. A new year brings new hope for a new you.

It might just be another day, but to many of us it represents a natural ebb in the flow of time to reflect on our lives and reset things in order to become the people we want to be.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not there yet.

So here are three simple actions, I’ve taken each of the past two years and am planning to do again as I start 2017, to get the most of out the year.

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How to Get Unstuck When You Aren’t Making Progress

Three Questions You Must Ask

I hated it. Every minute of it.

Every Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday morning. 8am. I sat and I struggled big time.

1st Year Economic & Business Statistics. Let’s not beat around the bush. Economic & Business statistics is just a fancy name for maths. Just hard, confusing, boring maths. 8am class, four days per week. And I hated it.

No matter how I motivated myself to succeed, how I tried to apply myself to this course, how I attempted to master this subject matter, I just could not get anywhere.

And that was the problem. Continue reading

It Costs No More to Be Nice

As I sat in the boardroom, I could sense it.

I am not sure if others could, but I could see what was happening. All the little signs were there. Who they were looking at. How each statement was framed. The body language.

The power game was on and it was about to get interesting.

It turns out the individual in question was Daniel (not his real name) and Daniel had a particular way of handling himself that didn’t earn him many friends. Although not a very large man, Daniel was a bully. Someone who used the force of personality and unspoken threats got what he wanted, regardless of cost. 

As I sat in our meeting I observed how usually even tempered people become on edge, how the tension in the air lifted. This way of working with people is toxic.

Ugly. Continue reading